Item # |
Title/Description |
Price |
10-S835 |
The musical highlights of the Gregorian church
year sung in 1930 under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Gajard
have been digitally remastered.
. . . flawlessly produced and showcases
centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations, and the glorification of God.
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-GC21 |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-S833 |
Two offices of Maundy Thursday--the Office of
Tenebræ and the Ceremony of Foot-washing, chanted in the dramatic style
appropriate to the night before the Savior's Passion. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S821 |
Includes Introits, Graduals, Alleluias,
Offertories, Communions, Responses, Sequences, Hymns, and Tropes from the
Midnight Mass and the Mass of the Day.
The monks of St. Peter's,
Solesmes, renowned for their authoritative scholarship and performance practice
of Gregorian chant, provide the listener a wonderful aural experience of the
night. The microphone placement for the recordings captures the clarity of the
text and the spacious acoustic of St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S832 |
In the beautiful chants of Vigils the monks
celebrate the birth of Jesus at the same time of night he was born in
The monks of St. Peter's, Solesmes, renowned for their
authoritative scholarship and performance practice of Gregorian chant, provide
the listener a wonderful aural experience of the night. The microphone
placement for the recordings captures the clarity of the text and the spacious
acoustic of St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S822 |
Easter (1 CD) The
Monks of Solesmes |
Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Sequences,
Offertories, Communions, and Hymns from Easter Mass, and the Mass for the First
Sunday after Easter. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S825 |
Introits, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, and
a Hymn from the Masses of Eastertide, plus the seven Antiphons of the
Resurrection according to the Gospels. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S824 |
Two Masses of Our Lady plus the four Antiphons to
the Holy Virgin in both Solemn and Simple tones celebrate the humble maiden
whom all generations call Blessed. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-S829 |
The monks of Solesmes have selected a sampling of
the "best," including Antiphons for Lauds of Martyrs at Eastertide, Kyrie IX
and Gloria IX.
. . . flawlessly produced and showcases centuries of
devotions, chants, celebrations, and the glorification of God. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S837 |
Gregorian Anthology presents a beautiful
selection of the most evocative pieces taken from recent recordings by the
monastic choir of St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes, France, under the direction of
Dom Jean Claire.
This anthology is of great interest as the contents
are in liturgical order, following the principal seasons (Christmas, Holy Week,
Easter, and Marian Feasts) representing the entire liturgical year. The
beautiful Gregorian chant illumunates the liturgical texts, inviting the
listener to contemplate the life of Christ and the foundation of the
This overview will provide more enjoyment for the experienced
listener while making a splendid introduction to the beauty of Gregorian chant
for the novice. Throughout the anthology the unique interpretive insights that
are the hallmark of Solesmes' recordings are carefully preserved.
Beginning with "Puer natus est" and ending with "Te Deum," the monks
choir of this French monastery [the Abbey of St. Peter of Solesmes] render
their celebrated version of these medieval chants. The booklet comes with
neumatic and melismatic notation of all the chants (and complete translations
of the Latin). Many familiar texts turn up: "Ubi caritas," "Pange lingua,"
"Vexilla regis," "Haec dies," etc. This album is an invaluable study aid, but
some listeners may want it just for musical pleasure. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-S836 |
The Great Offices for Holy Saturday - Vigils,
Lauds, and Vespers. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S831 |
The moving chants and prayers for the night
before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has
loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange Lingua.
. . . flawlessly
produced and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations, and the
glorification of God. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S823 |
Introit, Kyrie, Gradual, Tract, Offertory,
Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, and Alleluias from Mass for the Dead; and
Invitatory, Responses, and Antiphons from the Office for the Deceased. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S820 |
The father of organized Western monasticism is
celebrated with Mass and Office chants as well as organ music played on the
Grandes orgues at Solesmes. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S834 |
Includes all three nocturnes of the office of
Matins and the antiphons and psalms of Lauds for Good Friday.
. . .
flawlessly produced and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations,
and the glorification of God. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-GD05 |
The expectant Vigil Mass of Christmas is followed
by the Midnight, Dawn, and Day Masses that celebrate the joy of the
Incarnation. Antiphons to the Savior's Mother honor her humility and obedience
to God. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-GD15 |
Careful attention by the choir's Schola to
subtleties in the ancient Gregorian notation brings out the richness of these
Propers of Easter Day and chants for the Octave of Easter.
. . .
flawlessly produced and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations,
and the glorification of God.
The Chants of Easter Easter Day and the Octave of
Easter Ad Missam in Die (Sunday) 1 Introit: Resurrexi
2:39 2 Gradual: Haec dies 2:57 3 Alleluia: Pascha Nostrum 2:20 4
Sequence: Victimae paschali 1:31 5 Offertory: Terra tremuit 1:00 6
Communion: Pascha nostrum 4:14 The Octave of Easter Feria Secunda
(Monday) 7 Introit: Introduxit vos 2:16 8 Alleluia: Angelus Domini
1:40 9 Offertory: Angelus Domini 1:46 10 Communion: Surrexit Dominus
2:30 Feria Tertia (Tuesday) 11 Introit: Aqua sapientiae 2:28
12 Alleluia: Surrexit Dominus 2:14 13 Offertory: Intonuit de caelo 1:15
14 Communion: Si consurrexistis 3:43 Feria Quarta (Wednesday) 15
Introit: Venite benedicti 2:32 16 Alleluia: Surrexit Dominus 1:18 17
Offertory: Portas caeli 1:30 18 Communion: Christus resurgens 2:54
Feria Quinta (Thursday) 19 Introit: Victricem manum tuam 2:25
20 Alleluia: Surrexit Christus 1:25 21 Offertory: In die eos Dominus
1:31 22 Communion: Populus acquisitionis 4:07 Feria Sexta
(Friday) 23 Introit: Eduxit eos Dominus 2:13 24 Alleluia: Dicite in
gentibus 1:46 25 Offertory: Erit vobis hic 2:03 26 Communion: Data est
mihi 4:15 Sabbato (Saturday) 27 Introit: Eduxit Dominus 1:56
28 Alleluia: Haec dies 1:53 29 Alleluia: Laudate pueri Dominum 1:29
30 Offertory: Benedictus qui venit 1:30 31 Communion: Omnes qui in Christo
2:21 Total Time 73:27 |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
ships in 1 to 2 weeks |
10-S827 |
A selection of Introits, Graduals, Alleluias,
Offertories, Communion chants, Antiphons of Lauds and Vespers, and Hymns from
the Liturgy of Bishops, the Doctors of the Church, and Liturgy of the
Saints. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-S828 |
A selection of Introits, Graduals, Alleluias,
Offertories, Communion chants, Antiphons of Lauds and Vespers, and Hymns from
the Liturgy of Bishops, the Doctors of the Church, and Liturgy of the Saints.
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save
to ship within 24 hours |
10-S826 |
The great bell of Solesmes calls the listener to
the complete Office of Sunday Vespers and Compline on this exquisite recording.
Includes antiphons, psalms, hymns and the Angelus. |
List Price:
16.95 Sale 14.00 Save