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Welcome to the web site of Opus Mariæ
Mediatricis and The Society of St. Philip Neri
Opus Mariae Mediatricis is a
apostolate whose objective is
to spread the kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ through true devotion to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Its special patrons are: Our Lady Mediatrix of Grace, St.
Philip Neri, St. Louis DeMontfort and St. Maximilian Kolbe. The apostolate also
has a special devotion to Our Lady under the title of Mater Unitatis, given the
overriding ecumenical tone of the apostolate which is "to represent and offer a
visible bond to those Catholic faithful, lay, religious and clergy" (statute
1.1), "who consider themselves attached to some previous liturgical and
disciplinary forms of the Latin tradition (c.f., Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei,
2 July, 1988)" (statute 1.1). It was first established in the summer of 1995,
by Fr. William F. Ashley. Opus Mariae Mediatricis is currently a private
association of the faithful, comprised of both lay and clerical members,
established in accordance with Canons 215 & 299, a status that has been
acknowledged by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.
John Paul II's Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia Holy Thursday,
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videos of Bishop Rifan's visit to Vancouver
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Opus Mariæ Mediatricis P.O. Box
7879 Dallas, TX 75209
877-902-0753 fax 702-995-1714
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omine Iesu Christe,
noster apud Patrem mediátor, qui beatíssimam Vírginem
matrem tuam, matrem quoque nostram et apud te Mediatrícem
constitúere dignátus es: concéde propítius; ut
quisquis ad te benefícia petitúrus accésserit, cuncta se
per eam impetrásse lætetur: Qui vivis et regnas cum eódem
Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia
sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator with the Father, Who
hast deigned to appoint the Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, to be our Mother also
and our Mediatrix with Thee, graciously grant that whosoever goes to Thee in
quest of blessings may be gladdened by obtaining them all through her. Thou,
ever one God, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world
without end. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces (from the Roman
Missal, 1962) |