
Popes Against Modern Errors

In 1789, the French Revolution took place and launched a host of religious, political and social errors which the Popes for over 160 years wrote and legislated against. Yet most of these errors have today filtered down to the common man . . . with the result that most people now take for granted many fundamental assumptions that are positively false! But almost from the beginning of these errors, the Popes spoke out as with one voice, inveighing against them. Today, as we see these errors bearing evil fruit, many thoughtful Catholics are returning to these Papal documents to examine what the Popes have said all along about these modern errors. Here, in one handy volume, are the best and most famous of those papal denunciations: On Liberalism (Mirari Vos). Gregory XVI. 1832. On Current Errors (Quanta Cura). Pius IX. 1864. The Syllabus of Errors. Pius IX. 1864. On Government Authority (Diuturnum Illud). Leo XIII. 1881. On Freemasonry and Naturalism (Humanum Genus). Leo XIII. 1884. On the Nature of True Liberty (Libertas Praestantissimum). Leo XIII. 1888. On The Condition of the Working Classes (Rerum Novarum). Leo XIII. 1891. On Christian Democracy (Graves de Communi Re). Leo XIII. 1901. On Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis). St. Pius X. 1907. Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists (Lamentabili Sane). St. Pius X. 1907. The Oath Against Modernism. St. Pius X. 1910. Our Apostolic Mandate (On the "Sillon"). St. Pius X. 1910. On Christ the King (Quas Primas). Pius XI. 1925. On Ecumenism (Mortalium Animos). Pius XI. 1928. On Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris). Pius XI. 1937. On Evolution and Other Errors (Humani Generis). Pius XII. 1950. After this book, the reader will be forced to conclude: "The Popes were right all along." Only by heeding the advice and counsel of these enlightened Roman Pontiffs will the world be able to cast off its yoke of error and enjoy once more the true freedom Our Lord spoke of when He said, "Then . . . you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32).


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